Tag Archives: 3CR

APG tries its hand at radio – “Looping The Loop”

In 1976 the Australian Performing Group (APG) embarked upon another undertaking: the production of radio shows.  The Minutes of the Group’s AGM on 29 March 1976 record that:

“Bill Garner presented a copy of the format for the first radio show and outlined his proposal. His program format will be “non-capitalist commercial radio”. Members interested in doing radio shows should approach him. He will soon be approaching members he would like to work with him. The first rehearsal and taping of the radio show will be on Saturday April 10 from 1.30 to 5.30, either at the Pram or the Playbox.”

The first radio show was called “Looping The Loop”. Below are copies of Bill Garner’s format and running sheet for the show, which was to be broadcast in late-April 1976: Continue reading